Saturday, May 02, 2009

013: dijon tarragon chicken

probably one of the fastest and easiest standby meals that i make. as always, this recipe is per chicken breast, given that i typically cook for one. the recipe can be expanded indefinitely to compensate for however many you are cooking for. cook time is about 15 minutes.


frying pan
sauce pot (optional)

olive oil
1 [boneless, skinless] chicken breast, cut into strips
1/4 c. dijon mustard
1/4 c. mayonnaise
1 T. tarragon
couscous (optional)

1.) heat olive oil in frying pan. cut chicken breast into strips for more even cooking, and cook thoroughly.

2.) meanwhile, mix mustard, mayonnaise, and tarragon in a separate bowl. i like to serve this dish over couscous, so if you want, prepare couscous according to directions. otherwise i'm sure rice or pasta would be good as well, or even plain.

3.) when chicken is cooked, pour dijon mixture over it and only keep it on the burner until sauce is thoroughly heated.

4.) serve (as i said, i do it over couscous, and that is how it is pictured).

time: 15 minutes
difficulty: 1 (1 being easiest, 5 being hardest)
rating: ♦♦♦♦◊ (4 stars out of 5)
suggestions for variation: perhaps experiment with serving it over different things--couscous, pasta, rice, etc.


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