Tuesday, July 13, 2010

031: World CupCakes

SPAIN WINS THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!  ESPANA ES EL CAMPEON DEL MUNDO!!!!  anyway...  can you guess who i was rooting for in the world cup??  to celebrate the occasion (just that they made it into the finals!  their victory made this treat even sweeter), i made a world cup cake.  just thought i'd share :o)

i made this cake (the recipe is written for a 9x13" pan) in an 11x7" pan with 6 cupcakes.   i frosted it green and piped it with white to resemble a soccer pitch, then made the corner flags out of toothpicks and colored mailing labels, and finally the goals out of toothpicks and string.  the cupcakes i then frosted white and piped with chocolate to resemble soccer balls, and i made the flags again out of toothpicks and colored mailing labels.  anyway, it was fun, well-liked, and delicious (though, of course, victory always tastes sweet!).  VIVA LA FURIA ROJA!!! 
-kl :o)

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