Friday, February 27, 2009

b: cutting pineapple

ok, so we've all seen them (and possibly taken pictures with them), but let's face it: most of us have no idea what to do with a pineapple once it's bought. well, here is a short tutorial for the easiest way that i have found to cut a pineapple.

1.) remove the top frilly part of the pineapple (just twist or cut it off), and slice the pineapple from the top down into quarters.

2.) lay each quarter down on its side (spiny part down), and slice the hard middle part off of the top of the pineapple. do this for all 4 quarters.

3.) with the spiny side still down, make vertical slices about 3/4" apart. then, if you want, you can make one slice lengthwise down the middle. this will create smaller, more bite-sized pieces.

4.) finally, slice along the bottom to separate the pieces from the spine. you're done! now wasn't that easier than trying to "skin" or peel it? happy eating!

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